by Carole | Jan 3, 2014 | change, clutter, distress, getting organized
IF YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE!”WAYNE DYER A New Year brings new wishes and renewed hope for our lives! Without change where would we be? As in nature, the seasons change, so why not us? We change but, usually with...
by Carole | Oct 3, 2013 | change, clutter, distress, getting organized, hire a professional
“That which you cannot give away, you do not possess, it possesses You” – Ivern Ball We feel attached to our “things”. The reason WHY varies. What matters most is how crippling this is. Sometimes to the point that it causes conflict....
by Carole | Aug 5, 2013 | clutter, distress, getting organized, hire a professional, hoarding, Uncategorized
As professional organizer I hear people label themselves especially when they call for help. Usually this occurs while doing an assessment on the phone. Often, the person calling states or describes themselves as a hoarder. My opinion is that, due to reality shows...
by Carole | Mar 16, 2013 | clutter, distress, getting organized, hire a professional, taking action
As a professional organizer for 10yrs, I have heard the cry for help constantly. What really does this mean? For many it means frustration, non workability, and confusion. In order to resolve this, the action of calling an organizer is the answer when crying out for...
by Carole | Jan 28, 2012 | clutter, family, getting organized, taking action
After many days of working with this particular client, I was inspired to write this. We don’t just acquire our own possessions, but others! What do I mean by this? As family members age, or loss occurs, sooner or later boxes of other’s belongings appear...
by Carole | Jan 4, 2012 | clutter, getting organized, hire a professional, New year's resolutions, taking action
New Year’s has come and gone. We start to settle into our old routines now that the holiday madness is over.No more excuses to stop you from organizing the areas that need it, or piles unattended to.So, you have been telling yourself, your family household, your...