Organization Help for Times of Transitions

My role as a professional organizer is to be of assistance during major life transitions – that includes the happy, as well as challenging changes. Selling and buying a house, moving into a new house or apartment, caretaking for a family member, downsizing your home or making a shift in your work life, are the times that call out for support.

This starts with identifying your organizational goals. Do you simply want less clutter? Do you want a kitchen that is more functional? Do you crave a dream closet  where your wardrobe hangs in harmony? Do you want family memorabilia and photos catalogued, organized and put on display? Do you want to maximize space in a small home? With a clearly defined organizational goal, we can map out a plan and tackle the practical, hands-on work.

You will benefit from another set of eyes to help you see how you might configure your life/home/workspace and another set of hands to execute the vision during and after your transition.

As you make changes to gain more order in your life, by getting organized, you gain a sense of control that is often missing when in the midst of a significant life change. Clutter and disarray use up emotional and physical energy that is better put to use attending to the transition at hand. When you clear away the unnecessary “stuff”,  clarity rises to the top and you become better equipped to define and reach your goals.

Call me, and we can clear a path toward your goals.