by Carole | Oct 16, 2011 | clutter, distress, getting organized, taking action
What are you waiting for? The mounds of clothing have become mountains, the piles have toppled over, and you can’t even face looking at this mess! You say it’s time to do something about this. Yet years have passed,and the dust is settling. If you know...
by Carole | Sep 24, 2011 | change, clutter, distress
Everyday that I interact with people who are in need of organizational help, I hear the same message. When their home isn’t peaceful, or a place to retreat to, or a safe haven anymore I get a call. They describe feelings of shame, distress, self doubt, low self...
by Carole | Aug 25, 2011 | getting organized
Sometimes its the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. Keri Russell Every step counts, even baby steps! From the first nagging thoughts like, I can’t live this way anymore, I used to be organized, I don’t know what’s happened, what...
by Carole | Aug 13, 2011 | getting organized, Personal Story, taking action
Since mid June, I have been dealing with a chronic illness that has been dormant for 10 yrs! It appeared without any warning. But this is the nature of the disease, a bale disease- ulcerative colitis. My 1st blog , Hello World, mentions the impact of this disease on...
by Carole | Aug 11, 2011 | family, getting organized
Family & Friends watching loved ones drown in their clutter and despair can frustrate and un-nerve the person, ending up with emotions & angered words flying about! I’ve seen some very heated interactions when family & friends step in to...