by Carole | Jul 10, 2013 | hire a professional, Shop in your Closet, taking action, wardrobe consulting
SHOP IN YOUR CLOSET? WHAT A NOVEL IDEA! Why Haven’t I Done This Before? Are you asking yourself any of these questions – What does this mean? The concept of shopping in your closet is- Know what you own, Create options you love, Wear what looks good &...
by Carole | Oct 10, 2012 | getting organized, Shop in your Closet, wardrobe consulting
When dressing, you want to be comfortable, and feel good inside & out! Clothes can be an expression of yourself or who you want to project yourself as. The seasons change, and give us a chance to look at what we have, and gain a new perspective. Some people have...
by Carole | Aug 16, 2012 | Shop in your Closet, Uncategorized, wardrobe consulting
Organizing & Shopping? Closets out of Control? Shop in your closet? How do they go together? It’s easier to have an organized closet first and then have your wardrobe and outfits available to choose! Having a degree in Fashion Merchandising, and a...