by Carole | Jan 7, 2013 | Uncategorized
A NEW YEAR to create what ever you desire! GO FOR IT!!! if not NOW, WHEN? All you have is the present moment, everything else is unsure. Take the leap, put the fear aside and revel in the possibilities you create. Those possibilities will carry you away from all those...
by Carole | Dec 16, 2012 | holistic, inspirational, taking action, Uncategorized
I say, “Organizing your physical space is the bridge to opening up the mental, emotional, and energetic process that’s occurs at the same time” during the organizing process. You deal with what you see on the surface first. Another way said, the...
by Carole | Aug 16, 2012 | Shop in your Closet, Uncategorized, wardrobe consulting
Organizing & Shopping? Closets out of Control? Shop in your closet? How do they go together? It’s easier to have an organized closet first and then have your wardrobe and outfits available to choose! Having a degree in Fashion Merchandising, and a...
by Carole | May 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! Audrey Hepburn Once again, after working a session with a new client today, I was called a “miracle worker”! I am known by many as the “clutter-angel” or the...