Life is ever changing, on all levels! Everything we do requires some form of maintenance. In order to be successful, these components are necessary- Making time, being committed, and taking action . If you take your health for granted, eventually disease or illness will occur.
Yet eating nutritionally, exercising, rest & rejuvenation will sustain good health.
Organizing areas of your home, requires ongoing attention. As with
organizing, it requires maintenance, it’s not just a 1 time fix. Life is ever
changing, and full of routines. As our needs change, so does our organization.
Living everyday life will require keeping up with your “stuff”. With life
transitions like, getting married, divorced, someone moving in, or moving out
of your space, illness, retirement, having a baby, needing & having surgery
and the list goes on. These impact you , and if not attended to and neglected ,
it will result in chaos. This chaos then becomes disorganization, which
then takes over your space and your life. If everything has a place, or a home
and is easy to access then you have success. We all fall off the wagon, so to
speak. Backsliding is naturally going to happen. Keeping your focus on the life
you want to live, taking the action, and getting back into routines and will
keep you in check. Some can motivate themselves, others need help from others
living in the home, and when all fails, call an organizer to help!